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In the insurance industry, a common pain point is access to the information needed to make decisions and run the business. David Daniels, EVP and Director of Product Development & Innovation at MiniCo Insurance Agency, a Jencap Company, reflects on his career in insurance and discusses the opportunities he sees for data and technology in this Q&A with Insurance Quantified.
Underwriting commercial P&C insurance is complex – each industry looks different, small businesses are different than medium-sized ones, and each product can bring on new complications. Combine these challenges with an industry talent crisis, and it has never been more difficult to position your underwriting function for success.
Too many technologists can connect with this story: you deliver something that you feel is genius, only to have nobody use it. To avoid this dilemma, we advocate for a “user-first” approach to technology initiatives where you earn the trust of business partners with a little empathy, steady stream of value and a lot of communication.
Imagine dining at an elegant restaurant. The waiter escorts you to your seat, you select a five-course meal and then settle in for what may be a long wait as the chef prepares your food. But, to your delight, the server instead brings out each course without delay and at the perfect moment. The food is delicious, and when you receive the bill, the cost is no more than it would be at a neighborhood diner. On your way home, you think about your surprising and pleasant visit.
Having the same people review the same product repeatedly can lead to gaps. At Insurance Quantified, one way we overcome this is by inviting all employees to put on their user hats and test out the client experience during an annual bug bash. It's not only an opportunity to find bugs, it helps us build culture and work together to mold our product into the best version it can be.

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